StressAce workshops build your resilience to stress and teach you important life skills. Find out how to identify stress and what causes stress for you. Learn the easy practical tools to release stress and better control your stress levels. These skills have life long benefits for your personal wellbeing, your important relationships and your performance at work.
StressAce workshops are available in two formats:
- The workshops listed below, or
- Tailored workshops. We design programs to suit your requirements.
Good golf good business
Join us for this one day short game coaching clinic and improve your golf scores with a combination of expert golf coaching and StressAce performance enhancement exercises.
Experience how StressAce can improve these essential golf performance skills:
- Physical power, suppleness, speed and judgement
- Mental focus and concentration
- Confidence, patience and persistence
Enjoy more success in your game and take these skills back to the office to get better outcomes in your business.
With this workshop you receive a copy of ‘How Your Mind Heals Itself’ by Anca Ramsden
Unlocking the wisdom of body memory
Our one day workshop.
You can:
- overcome your tendency to procrastinate
- develop your overall performance and productivity
- improve your relationships
- enhance your bouncebackability
With this workshop comes the StressAce self help workbook and a copy of ‘How Your Mind Heals Itself’ by Anca Ramsden
Introduction to StressAce Yoga
This two hour workshop gives you a first hand experience of the deep relaxation of body and mind with the unique StressAce Yoga method.
Discover how StressAce Yoga can build your resilience to stress even in one session. Learn how and why this method works.
Would you like to make booking for your group?
StressAce Yoga – caring for body and mind
A series of 10 group sessions
Relieve accumulated deep seated physical and mental stress and build lasting resilience to stress. You can expect improvements in:
- Physical strength
- Mental focus
- Emotional balance
Sign up for the Caring for body and mind ten session series and receive your free DVD StressAce Yoga at home, a practical self help guide to using StressAce Yoga.
Would you like to make booking for your group?