StressAce services

We offer StressAce information seminars, keynotes, personal  and group consultations and workshops.

Seminars and keynotes

Do you wish to learn more about the hidden  impacts of stress on your life, the fascinating concept of stress intelligence,  and how you can harness  the power of stress with a technique like StressAce?

We can talk to your group on several topics related to stress management and the value of StressAce and we can also tailor a presentation and topic to suit your needs.

Click here to find out more…

Personal consultations

StressAce is a simple and effective technique that helps with controlling stress. You can use it to perform at your best under pressure, keep every day stress under control and  recover more quickly from setbacks and change.

We have several programmes:

  • Personal assists you with your unique situation.
  • Performance facilitates peak performance during events such as exams, public speaking and competitive sport.
  • Self help teaches skills to effectively control  everyday stress at home and work..
  • Resilience can immediately and effectively lower stress levels and  is suitable for anyone wanting to build a permanent high stress tolerance.
  • Crisis can assist with faster recovery from shock and stress after critical incidents.
  • Intelligence also grows stress intelligence, a unique combination of mental, emotional and physical intelligence.

You may also wish to have your stress levels assessed to see what you require for  optimum  health, or you may just want to try out a StressAce consultation!

Or call us in Australia on +61 1300 00CALM (+61 1300 002256) so we can advise you of your best option, depending on your individual needs.    

Group consultation

StressAce is a fast acting stress reduction technique that improves performance and relationships.

StressAce group consultations can support  groups working  on a project by facilitating team work, collaborative problem solving, creative solution finding and to break a deadlock. It is ideal for groups working in stressful environments and for crisis situations. It can be used to promote personal development, stress management and enhance hard skills training.

Group consultations are tailored according to the client’s specific needs and goals. Sessions may be a one-off one hour workshop, an all day event, or several sessions over several weeks.


StressAce workshops build your resilience to stress  and you will learn important life skills: find out how to identify stress, what causes stress for you and learn the easy practical tools to release stress and better control your stress levels. These skills have life long benefits for your personal wellbeing, your important relationships and your performance at work.

StressAce workshops are available in different formats:

The ‘Wisdom of Body Memory’  is a one day workshop, learn to use StressAce as a self help technique.

Tailored workshops, that are both shorter than one day and longer sessions, catering for unique client requirements, are available on request.

StressAce Golf  ‘Good Golf Good Business’ is a one day workshop, enjoy expert golf coaching and use StressAce as a performance enhancer.

StressAce Yoga ‘Caring for Body and Mind’ offered as a 2 hour workshop and a series of 10 sessions , experience the deep relaxation of body and mind with a combination of StressAce and traditional yoga.